Tier 2’s had a Facelift
We’ve been hard at work sprucing up the Tier 2 resources to hopefully make intervention sessions easier to teach.
A BIG thank you to those who have reported glitches to us. We proofread until we had square eyes, but (sigh) we still missed lots.
All Tier 2 resources can be found on the website homepage by clicking the ‘Tier 2 Resources’ button. (See example below).
The most significant change to the Tier 2 Program is that it no longer mirrors the Tier 1 Scope and Sequence exactly. Instead, the Tier 2 Program has been streamlined from Lesson 1 – Lesson 158. There are still two lessons for every teaching point, but this streamlined sequence allows students to ‘catch up’ to their class rather than continually lag behind.
We have also added a Placement Test for the Tier 2 Program so support staff can test and group students more effectively.

Our amazing Graphic Designer, Tiffany Stewart, has helped redesign the layout of the resources so they are clear and easy to follow. The Tier 2 Teacher Manual is divided into 4 books. All content for each lesson is printed clearly in the Teacher Manuals. Where necessary, short scripting has been included for less experienced support staff.
We have added extra-spaced assessments to the Tier 2 Program for all lessons. These have been included in the Teacher Manuals. We have added a Review Lesson for each lesson for extra revision when testing shows more practice is required.

The Tier 2 Student Sheets have also been updated and look fantastic!
The Student Manual includes all words, connected text and dictation required for students to read from in each lesson.
All manuals have page numbers, lesson numbers, and content pages to help you find what you are looking for easily.

How to get started with the revised Tier 2 Program
- Administer the Placement Test to students selected for Tier 2 Intervention
- Group the students according to their needs – notes on starting points are in the Placement Test Materials
- Print the corresponding lessons for Term 1
- Lessons require one teacher manual and one student book for each student in the group.
- Support Staff will also require a Reading Card Deck, an Alphabet Deck (Book 1 only), and the Tier 2 Morphology Card Deck.
- Print and make the games that correspond to the lessons being taught.
Subscribers can download these fantastic resources from the Tier 2 Resources list and print them.
Printed Tier 2 books will be available soon for schools wishing to save the time it takes to download and print Tier 2 materials.
If you are considering purchasing Tier 2 books, only print what is needed for Term
Pricing details will be available soon.

We’ve made what you need more straightforward to find
We have made some changes to the platform to simplify things. The documents you use often are now less clicks away.
Tier 2 resources are now searchable from the home page.

Tier 2 resources are now directly accessible from the main red buttons on the homepage (see above).
The old search function (where you used to find Tier 1 and 2 resources) is now dedicated to Tier 1 resources only (see below).

Tier 1 Resources can now be found inside the phase pages
We’ve made scope and sequence documents, weekly planners, connected texts and worksheets directly available within the phase pages to save you time (see below).

Watch a short clip about the changes to the platform
Updated Assessment Spreadsheets and EOW Assessments
All of our phase spreadsheets have been updated and uploaded. Thanks to Travis and Jodie at Progress Educational Consulting for their help with this.
You will now find spelling, decoding, and heart word test data all together on one spreadsheet under different tabs.

Playberry Laser Administrators – It’s time to clean house!
All Playberry Laser account admins should check their sub-accounts and delete any staff who are no longer at their school. Not doing this could see you run out of available accounts.
Training Opportunity: Teaching Mathematics Explicitly with David Morkunas Training – February 17
Join David Morkunas as he unpacks the tools and techniques that have been used to help hundreds of students succeed in Maths. Participants will understand the research that underpins effective Maths teaching, practice techniques for teaching fundamental skills and learn how to plan effective lessons and daily reviews. David is known throughout Australia as offering practical advice that teachers can implement immediately, and this workshop will be no exception. David will also share information about EMP (Explicit Maths Program).
All participants MUST bring a student whiteboard and marker.
Date: February 17, 2025
Times: 08:45 a.m. – 03:30 p.m.
Venue: Brighton Sports and Social Club, Highet Avenue, HOVE
Price: $220 exc GST

Discounts for Playberry Laser Schools and Lone Rangers
Discount on Registration for Playberry Laser Subscriber Schools and Lone Rangers
Contact Christie, Linda or Bill and ask for the code to receive a discount on registration. This will bring the price down to $198 (exc. GST) per person. Flick us an email or text message for the code that you can apply at the checkout.
Discount offer for Explicit Maths Program (EMP) for first year
If your school wants to use Dave’s, Ollie Lovell’s and Toni Hatton-Roberts’ EMP program, the EMP team have kindly offered Playberry Laser subscriber schools a 10% discount on student resources. We will provide more information at the training.
Playberry Laser T1-2 is a teacher-supportive multisensory literacy resource for primary teachers to support their teaching in line with research. We’ve taken the planning and resource design load to free teachers to focus on building content knowledge and sharpening their delivery in line with Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction.