How we work - Trainings


Initial meeting (Linda, Christie or Bill)

In this no-obligation catch-up, we will discuss where your school is up to and where to go next. We understand that different schools are at different points, so we will plan a way forward with you that reflects your school’s situation and needs.


Training Day 1: The Evidence Based Teaching of Reading and Spelling Kickstarter (non-compulsory Tier 1 Training)
Teaching staff

Educators need a well-articulated case for changing how and what they teach. Bill carefully and sensitively builds a context for the Science of Reading, explains its long history and its deep, convergent evidence base and makes sense of the essential elements of the evidence-based teaching to come. Click here for more information on this training day.


Training Day 2: Phonology Nuts and Bolts (Compulsory Tier 1 Training)
Teaching staff

This full day is about what to teach and how to get teachers started in their classrooms. Spelling rules and conventions, syllable types, lesson content, lesson structure, explicit teaching methodology, review routines and assessment are covered during this day. 


Teaching Demonstrations
Teaching staff

Our highest performing schools consistently book a full day (or more if required), where we work in classes to model lessons with students as teachers observe. 

This day is to be booked with Narelle via email:


Teaching Observations
Teaching staff

Our highest-performing schools consistently book days yearly (or more if required) when we observe teachers teaching their classes. We provide specific oral and written feedback around strengths and specific growth points to improve the quality of teaching and tighten teaching routines. 

This day is to be booked with Narelle via email:


Follow Up Day
Teaching staff

This is a full day (or more if required) of rolling release where teachers meet one of our team to ask questions related to their specific year levels and cohorts and plan further refinement of practice. This day is to be booked with Narelle via email:


Mentoring Visits (Linda Clune, Christie-Lee Hansberry, Sarah Battistella)
Teaching staff

The more teachers get into the program, the more questions bubble up about the content, lesson delivery and how to cater for tier two. There’s lots to think about, and teachers need immediate guidance so they don’t embed bad habits! Schools like to book ongoing sessions with mentors to keep the teaching tight and on track. That’s what we’re there for!

This day is to be booked with Narelle via email:


Tier 2 Training Day (Linda or Kim Gilchrist)
Teaching & Support staff

This is a full-day training for teachers and support staff who work with students in small groups.  Educators will be trained and ready to group students into Tier 2 intervention groups, run effective 30-minute Tier 2 lessons and learn how to work with students with specific learning needs within an intervention setting.  This day is to be booked with Narelle via email:

Optional Training

Optional Parent Session (Linda, Sarah, Bill or Christie-Lee)
Parents and community

A 90-minute session for parents where SoR is explained and the usual questions, such as decodable vs predictable levelled readers, are addressed. This day is to be booked personally with Linda. This day is to be booked with Narelle Hodgeson via email:

Don’t miss our parent information sheet!

These three levels of training over three days each will build your highly effective intervention team and train them to use The Playberry Multisensory Literacy Program for students with moderate to severe reading disorders (identified or otherwise). This training can be booked via the hansberryec website (link above).

Teaching Students With Dyslexia Training (TSD) Levels 1-3 (Bill Hansberry, Sally Andrew and Karen Hodson)
Tier 3 Intervention staff

The rub!

The PDs (1-6) of the workshops listed (above) are the backbone of getting wave 1 right in your school. We will be releasing dates for more Kickstarter (training 1), Phonology Nuts (training 2), and bolts days soon. Many schools prefer to have these run on site. 

Trainings 3 through 6 take place in your school – pricing info is in the drop down in the events calendar.

On the left are the TSD  trainings for 2024. Schools should have intervention staff booked into TSD1 ASAP as the April holidays training is already full. If your school uses non-Playberry intervention programs, TSD is still vital for intervention staff to understand reading disabilities and how best to remediate them. TSD has an international reputation as one of the most comprehensive and rigorous trainings in this area. Your intervention staff must be your best trained and most knowledgeable. To watch more about quality tier three  intervention click here.